Best Air Rifles for Pest Control


A Florida friend of mine contacted me recently to inquire about iguana issues in his backyard.

He wanted me recommend air rifles that would help him eradicate his pest problem and prevent his yard from getting damaged. 

I was inspired by this call to create an air rifle guide that will discuss the subject. The best pest control air rifles.

You need to be aware about many things, including their power and noise. 

So, if you’re facing the same issues as my friend, read on!

i4 Best Air Rifles for Pest Control - Top 10 effective guns for the money (Reviews and Buying Guide 2022)

Things to consider before you buy an air rifle for pest control

Before I move on to discussing the best air rifles for pest control, let’s talk about a few things to consider.

These tips will help you make the right choice about the best air rifle.

1. Types of Pests & Suggested FPE & Caliber

An air rifle is required depending on the speed and size of the pest.

Keep in mind, however, that depending on the pest you have, which pellet is most effective for you will be determined. 

A second important aspect to consider is the muzzle power or FPE of your air rifle.

If you’re unaware of FPE, it basically states the amount of energy that hits the target.

For different pests, FPE must be different. 

Let’s take a look at the required FPE for each type of pest: 

Types of pestsFPE is necessaryCaliber suggested
Rats5 FPE.177 Cal
Chipmunks6 FPE.177 Cal
Squirrels9 FPE.22 Cal
Iguanas10 FPE.22 Cal
Groundhogs12 FPE.22 Cal
Possums25 FPE.22 Cal
Raccoons25 FPE.22 Cal

The FPE largely depends on two factors – the velocity and the pellet weight.

You should also not only focus on FPS, but also pellets. 

2. Sound Produced

Imagine if you’re about to shoot a pest in your backyard and the sound is so loud that your neighbors may feel threatened.

You can trust me that this is what your heart desires. 

Air rifles are known for their loud sounds. Between 74 to 90 decibels.

You may find some models on the quieter side and for pest hunting — those are the best. 

The Benjamin Marauder air rifle is quieter than most on the market. 74-decibel sounds. 

When it comes to the type of air rifle, you’ll find that springers These are the most peaceful.

So, they’re ideal for hunting backyard pests too if you’re looking for quiet air rifles. This post has more information.

3. Repeater Mechanism

It isn’t always possible to kill the pest in one single shot itself.

Sometimes, they might still be alive.

Look for an air rifle that comes with a repeater. 

Multiple shots can be taken with repeater mechanisms without the need to reload.

This will enable you to kill them instantly, before they escape. 

Contrarily, single shots can permit rodents or other animals to escape before you fire again. 

4. Simple use and light weight nature

An air rifle should be lightweight and easy-to-use. 

Air rifles tend to be light in weight. You should weigh between 6 and 7 pounds.

You can opt for those as they’re ideal for backyard hunting and easy to use. 

Which are the best air rifle options for pest control?

1. Benjamin Marauder Synthetic Stock – Best PCP Air Rifle for Pest Control

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If you’re looking for the best PCP air rifle for pest control, the Benjamin Marauder Synthetic Stock is the one.

This rifle is powerful with excellent power, speed, accuracy, and power. 

Moreover, the air rifle’s velocity ranges anywhere Between 850 FPS to 1000 FPS

This allows you to easily hunt other pests like squirrels with one shot. 

The table below represents Benjamin Marauder’s velocity and accuracy with various pellets:

PelletEnergy (FPEVelocity (FPS).Accuracy
H&N Baracuda Match (21.14 Grain)33.34 FPE843.85 FPSWonderful
JSB Jumbo Exact (14.35 Grain)28.28 FPE941.99 FPSBest
Crosman Premier HP (14.3 Grain)27.82 FPE935.83 FPSWonderful
RWS Hobby (11.9 Grain)25.4 FPE980.30 FPSWonderful
H&N Field Target Trophy Green (10.03 Grain)23.39 FPE1024.70 FPSPoor
Gamo Raptor Platinum (9.7 Grain)23.381041.83 FPSWonderful

Therefore, if you’re planning to get Benjamin Marauder Synthetic Stock, you simply don’t have to worry about the velocity or accuracy. 

It is an ideal choice because of its FPE and FPS. Hunting squirrels, woodchucks and chipmunks

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Moving on to the repeater mechanism, Benjamin Marauder doesn’t disappoint here either. 

Fire easily Up to 10 shots in succession using your Marauder rifle.

So, pests can't escape easily.

This rifle's ultra-quiet sound (74 decibels) is something that I have noticed a lot of people love. 

Most users say that it’s so dead silent that if you’re shooting one squirrel, the others won’t even know. 

The Benjamin Marauder weighs a lot when it comes to rifle design around 7.3 lbs.

Thus, it’s light enough to carry while you’re hunting pests. 

This rifle has only one major drawback: It is a little too heavy. Consistency and a basic finish.

As you can see, the muzzle velocity differs a lot from that of the pellets. 

Overall, the Benjamin Marauder PCP air rifle is accurate, fast, and quiet.

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2. Diana Chaser – Best Air Rifle for Rats

H7fGvFlwL0TdyYVrTqmU7 jZxKj7cYwRirFXs CuKDoGH gBcfIs2wbq5g2fAmdU4Z DRLv5cu1jVbdG Dsmg 1sGZTc3a Best Air Rifles for Pest Control - Top 10 effective guns for the money (Reviews and Buying Guide 2022)

If you’re looking for a budget air rifle for pest control, especially rats, Diana Chaser is worth trying.

This cheap air rifle for pest control is specifically amazing for rats as it’s available in Both.177 und.22 calibers With varying muzzle velocity. 

The.177 version is recommended as it works well over long distances.

As rats are small pests, you wouldn’t require a lot of power either but you do need great accuracy.

d2 Best Air Rifles for Pest Control - Top 10 effective guns for the money (Reviews and Buying Guide 2022)

Many users also consider Diana Chaser to be the best pellet pistol available for rats. 

Both the.177 Diana Chaser (FPS) offers the ideal velocity and accuracy. 

For hunting rats, it is necessary to have around 500 FPS.

Diana Chaser has a solution! 525 FPS (0.177) and 465 FPS (0.222) This works flawlessly. 

Below is a table that lists the muzzle velocity (FPS) for the pellets of.22 Diana Chaser.

PelletEnergy (FPE)Muzzle Velocity (FPS).
RWS Meisterkugeln (14 Grain)8.6 FPE526 FPS
H&N Sport (13.73 Grain)8.5 FPE528 FPS
RWS Hobby Sport Line (11.9 Grain)5.81 FPE469 FPS
Sig Sauer Crux Ballistic Alloy (10.3 Grain)6.7 FPE541 FPS

This rifle considers both the pros and amateurs.

This makes it the most affordable pellet gun for rats.

With a muzzle velocity and energy of 8.6 FPE of 525 FPS, you can hunt small animals or practice targeting shots. 

This is a good option for beginners who are looking for a cheap way to get started with air rifles.

You can also shoot up to 50 shots per CO2 refill with the repeater mechanism. 

Unfortunately, Diana Chaser's grip is slightly off.

The rifle is ambidextrous, so while versatile, it’s not the most comfortable.  

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3. Benjamin Marauder's Air Pistol Prod: The Best Air Rifle to Kill Possums and Gophers

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The Benjamin Marauder Air Pistol is a great option if you are looking to spend more, but at a lower price. 

This is a great tool for hunting possums or gophers as it requires a speed of 800 FPS. Benjamin Marauder offers the same. 

Additionally, the lightweight pistol is very accurate and will help you hunt if you're a keen hunter. 

A.22 caliber airgun and an 8-shot magazine will allow you to easily control the possum situation in your area. 

Benjamin Marauder is also quieter than the pistol.

It does the job with 98 decibels.

p3 Best Air Rifles for Pest Control - Top 10 effective guns for the money (Reviews and Buying Guide 2022)

You will have an amazing hunting experience thanks to the 3000 PSI compressed air. 

It only takes about 30 shots before consistency begins to drop.

It is also very heavy, so it’s difficult to hand pump it . 

Benjamin Marauder has the highest muzzle velocity, and the most energy of any gun on the list. Its trigger is light and has no recoil.  

Pellet Energy (FPE)Velocity (FPS).Accuracy 
Beeman Kodiak (21.14 Grain)32.35 FPE830 FPS Wonderful
RWS Hobby (11.9 Grains).25.4 FPE980.30 FPS Wonderful 
RWS Superdome(14.5 Grain)28.64 FPE943 FPS Mediocre 
JSB Exact Domes (15.9 Grain)25.1 FPE843 FPS Mediocre 
Gamo Raptor Platinum (9.7 Grain)47.31 FPE1041.83 FPSGood 
JSB Jumbo Exact (14.35 Grain)28.26 FPE941.61 FPS Best 
H&N Baracuda Match (21.14 Grain)33.43 FPE843.85 FPSGood 

You can use the Benjamin Marauder air pistol pellets Beeman Kodiak, JSB Jumbo Exact and others without any doubt.

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It’s quiet enough and has enough power to kill the possum in the first go. 

Benjamin Marauder might be the rifle you've been looking for, but it lacks a good finish.

Its appearance is also below average.

But when you’re getting such a  great deal at the best price, then such details are minor. 

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4. Beeman R9 is the Best Air Rifle to Kill Skunks and Raccoons

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The Beeman R9 can kill skunks or raccoons at a maximum speed of 935 FPS.

(Are raccoon rodents real? For more information, see this post

This rifle is extremely easy to use, especially for hunting.

While.177 is the best caliber, you can also use.22 caliber if you want to eliminate pest problems. 

b4 Best Air Rifles for Pest Control - Top 10 effective guns for the money (Reviews and Buying Guide 2022)

Beeman R9 may be a classic model, but it is capable of taking over any air rifle at this velocity.

Even if you're looking to practice target shooting, the German-quality rifle is only 7.3 lbs. 

The only problem with this rifle is the loosening adjustment screws after a while.

You’ll have to tighten them up just in case before you start practicing or hunting. 

It does not include a silencer so it is difficult to fire a shot without waking the neighbors. 

This rifle is a must-have because of its consistency, accuracy, and beautiful appearance.

It allows you to relax your hands naturally and comfortably. 

Pellet Energy (FPE)Muzzle Velocity Accuracy 
RWS Hobby (7.0 Grain) 12.77 FPE906.39 FPS Good 
H&N Field Target Trophy Green (5.56 Grain)13.68 FPE1052.39 FPSExcellent 
Crosman Premier (7.9 Grain)13.87 FPE889.19 FPSWonderful 
JSB Exact Diabolo (8.44 Grain)13.85 FPE859.59 FPSExcellent 
H&N Field Target Trophy (8.64 Grain)14.10 FPE857.15 FPSBest 
Gamo Raptor Platinum (4.7 Grain)12.62 FPE1099.35 FPS Excellent 
H&N Baracuda Match (10.65 Grain)13.10 FPE744.13 FPSExcellent 

With a muzzle velocity of 857.15 and energy of 14.09 ft/lbs, H&N Field Target Trophy is your best bet for hunting raccoons and skunks. 

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5. Umarex 850M2 CO2: The Best Air Rifle For Iguanas

81 Best Air Rifles for Pest Control - Top 10 effective guns for the money (Reviews and Buying Guide 2022)

Umarex850 M2 CO2-based air rifles are the best.

Although you may believe that CO2 will raise the cost of air, this is not true.

This air rifle can be purchased at a very reasonable price.

You can also use it with a variety of pellets, and you get a good shot with most pellets. 

This air rifle is ideal for beginners.

Practice target shooting or get rid of the Iguana problem from your backyard.

(How To Get Rid Of Iguanas? For more information, see this post

i1 Best Air Rifles for Pest Control - Top 10 effective guns for the money (Reviews and Buying Guide 2022)

This is a popular choice among shooters because of its 750 FPS and light trigger pulling. 

The Bolt of Umarex 850 is a bit rough. If you're just starting out, it might seem uncomfortable.

This air rifle can also be too loud if you hunt quietly. 

It's powered by 88g CO2, 8 shot mag, and can shoot approximately 250 pellets before running out. 

It also features an adjustable trigger and an automatic safety feature that are great for beginners.

However, if you're a regular user of Modafinil, the automatic safety might cause irritation. Modafinil

This CO2 rifle is the best you can buy to hunt iguanas. It has a repeater mechanism and moderate sound. 

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Pellets Energy (FPE)Muzzle VelocityAccuracy 
H&N Baracuda Match (10.65 Grain)10.02 FPE651 FPSBest 
JSB Exact Diabolo (8.44 Grain)9.26 FPE703 FPSExcellent 
RWS Hobby (7 Grain)7.99 FPE717 FPSWonderful 
Gamo Raptor Platinum (4.7 Grain)6.51 FPE790 FPSWonderful 
Crosman Premier (7.9 Grain)8.48 FPE695 FPSExcellent 
H&N Field Target Trophy (8.64 Grain)9.38 FPE699 FPS Wonderful 
H&N Field Target Trophy Green(5.56 Grain)6.35 FPE717 FPSWonderful 

While it might seem that the 651 FPS rate is too slow to hunt an iguana, the average muzzle energie of 10.02 ft/lbs makes this a great kill.

Umarex M2 850 M2 complements a wide variety of pellets. So you can use any of them to get the best shot. 

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6. Seneca Dragon Claw500cc: The Best Air Rifle to Use with Coyotes

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Since 2011, Seneca Dragon Claw has consistently won the award for best air rifle sales.

It uses a.50 caliber to produce 679 FPS of muzzle velocity and 230 ft/lbs in muzzle energy.

It's a great weapon for dealing with pests such coyotes or feral hogs and possums. 

This rifle can be described as the ultimate survival hunting rifle.

It also has dual air chambers that total 500cc and a 3000 PSI pressure. 

Unfortunately, it has no repeater mechanism, so you’ll have to load it time and again.

On the other hand, you can shoot more than 20 shots before you’ll have to fill the air again. 

The trigger is also a little rough and the trigger reacts very strongly before firing.

I advise that you fill the tank using the scuba tank. This gun is heavy and will make it difficult to fill manually. 

It's accurate when the pressure is high. However, as the pressure drops the consistency of the gun becomes less consistent. 

This rifle is loud and comes with a manual safety option, not an automatic.

(What is venison meat? Find out more

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7. Diana Stormrider - Budget Air Rifle to Control Pests

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You won't find a better quality rifle for your budget if you want to eliminate pests from your home.

The shooters love Diana Stormrider for its accuracy and performance. 

This air rifle is also one of the most affordable options on the market.

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The red warning light that flashes when you pull the trigger is one of the most striking features of Diana Stormrider.

The safety light will turn on once. 

It is however difficult to use.

While the forward action is easy to use, it's difficult to control when it pulls back. 

It also drops in consistency after 20 shots because of the lack PCP levels.

You will need to increase the pressure to 2900psi in order to achieve the desired results. 

(Groundhog vs. Woodchuck: What’s the Difference? Find out more

Another amazing feature of Diana Stormrider's rifle is its noise level, which is far better than other rifles.

It makes very little sound, so you can use it to take precise shots. 

Low noise levels are also helpful for pest control because you can kill them without alarming others.

Diana Stormrider provides a staggering 1050 FPS muzzle velocity.

This means you can handle any type of pest situation at home.

(Is Squirrel a Rodent?) For more information, see this post

The table below shows the FPS of different bullet types.

Pellets Energy (FPE)Muzzle Velocity Accuracy 
Gamo Raptor Platinum (4.7 Grain)11.93 FPE1068.83 FPSPoor 
H&N Baracuda Match (10.65 Grain)18.59 FPE886.44 FPSWonderful 
JSB Exact Diabolo (8.44 Grain)16.09 FPE926.58 FPSExcellent 
H&N Field Target Trophy Green (5.56 Grain)13.27 FPE1036.61 FPSGood 
Crosman Premier HP (7.9 Grain)16.1 FPE957.78 FPSPoor 
H&N Field Target Trophy (8.64 Grain)16.91 FPE938.79 FPSBest 
RWS Hobby (7.0 Grain)14.85 FPE977.23 FPSGood 

The H&N Field Target Trophy came out the best out of the lot due to its muzzle energy being 16.9 ft/lbs which is the optimum energy that you require.

Gamo Raptor Platinum had the fastest velocity, but poor performance due to its low energy at 11.92 ft/lbs. 

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8. Diana RWS34: Best Spring Piston Air Rifle For Pest Control

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Shooters rave about the upgraded Diana 34 version.

It's almost the perfect spring-piston gun one could own. 

It has the most light trigger pull, and will not recoil or cause injury to you in any manner.

Diana RWS34 also features an automatic safety that is both comfortable and simple to use for left- and right handed shooters. 

The consistency levels of the gun were excellent with a muzzle velocity of 1000 feet per second.

Gleichzeitig, was the precision of the piston also impressive.

It’s interesting to note that pellets heavier than 7.9 grain performed better than the others. 

Pellets Energy (FPE)Muzzle Velocity Accuracy 
GTO Predator(5.5 Grain).16.45 FPE1160.29 Wonderful
RWS Hobby (7.0 Grain)14.67 FPE971.47 Poor 
Crosman Premier HP (7.9 Grain)15.22 FPE931.39 Wonderful 
JSB Exact Diabolo (8.44 Grain)15.20 FPE900.51 Excellent 
H&N Baracuda Match (10.65 Grain)13.96 FPE768.35Best
H&N Field Target Trophy (8.64 Grain)15.3 FPE892.84Excellent 
H&N Field Target Trophy Green (5.56 Grain)15.73 FPE1128.73 FPSWonderful 

As you can see, pellets containing more than 7.9 grains produced the best results.

The 5.5 grain yielded good results, however.

A good grain value is a must if you are looking to hunt effectively and take consistent, accurate shots. 

It does not have a repeater mechanism, and it is only a one-shot rifle. You will need to reload every shot.

It also has an average level of noise, but this is true for all spring pistons. 

You can eradicate the pest problem from your home quickly by using a combination pellet mix and good muzzle velocity.

(What does rabbit taste? For more information, see this post

Diana 34 is not an air rifle.

You may like its vintage look if it is something you love.

But don’t go for the looks since its performance exceeds your expectations. 

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9. The Airforce Texan is the most accurate rifle for long-range pest control

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If you are looking for the world’s most powerful long-range air rifle, then your search stops right here.

The Airforce Texan long-range rifle is one of the most versatile.

The muzzle velocity is up to 1000 FPS, and the strong FPE means that you can hunt nearby pests with ease.

Instead, you can enjoy medium and long-range shots as well as big games. It’s even easy to score a deer with the Airforce Texan .457. 

Pellets Energy (FPE)Muzzle Velocity Accuracy 
JSB Exacts Diabolo (44.75 Grain)74.37 FPE865 FPSWonderful 
Crossman Premiers (19.0 Grain)34.03 FPE898 FPSGood 
Predator Polymag(44.75 Grain)70.13 FPE840 FPS Excellent 
Beeman Kodiak (21.14 Grain)29.38 FPE791 FPS Wonderful 

For a more detailed review of the Airforce Texan, you can also visit our Airforce Texan individual review.

Read the review

Of course with the world’s best product comes the high price range, so this air rifle is the most expensive one on this list. 

It’s available in a variety of caliber options such as .357, .308, .257, and .510.

All of these lead to excellent results. 

Unfortunately, there is no repeater mechanism for the single-shot. 

This air rifle is also not for the faint-hearted. It is extremely loud.

But what can you expect from a big-bore rifle? 

Personally, I love the ability to change the caliber of the barrel depending on the task at hand.

Even at night, you can hunt with the night vision scope or flashlight. 

It also has an integrated manometer, which keeps track of the pressure in the barrel.

If you notice a decline in your performance, it is likely that the pressure levels have dropped. 

Hence, it’s obvious to state that it is a PCP that needs compressed air pressure.

To fill this need, you will need an external source. 

A 490cc tank allows you to take approximately 50 shots per session before filling up the tank. 

It’s safe to say that this is not for the amateurs but only for the professionals.

It produces more than 500 feet-pounds of power, and technically it blurs between an air rifle and a powerful firearm. 

The shooters will appreciate this last point, as Airforce Texan is a low maintenance rifle. 

Occasionally, you can clean it up otherwise, you can keep it aside and it won’t bother you for a clean-up. 

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10. Hatsan AT44-10QES: Quiet Air Rifle to Control Pests

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Hatsan AT44-10 QES gives you the best muzzle velocity out of all the options.

You can get it in a variety of calibers, such as.177 and.22. It is also available in.25.

They all have different velocities, ranging from 1000 FPS up to 1350 FPS. 

This rifle is well-known for its sound suppression system, as the heading reveals.

This rifle is quite quiet, with a 64 decibel rating. 

Hatsan is very particular about its pellets. Therefore, it will only use a handful of pellets and grains that are suitable for it.

For the best shot, this air rifle can be relied upon for accuracy and consistency. 

It also features a repeater mechanism that can hold a 10 and 9 shot rotary magazines.

The one-of-a kind device also features an inbuilt manometer, safety alarm, and a texture surface for easy gripping. 

You can adjust the scope's butt to suit your eyesight and angle.

This will give you a tremendous relief.  

You can also refill your tank while you hunt with the removable air reservoir.

The cylinder is 180cc in volume and can be detached to make it air-detachable. You can also order additional parts from their website at any time. 

Hatsan can be used to hunt small and medium game, but it has a 1000 FPS speed that will eliminate any pest problems in your yard.

You will be able to eliminate pests with the incredible energy you produce. 

Pellets Energy (FPE)Muzzle Velocity Accuracy 
RWS Superdome (14.5 Grain)32.98 FPE1012 FPSGood 
Predator Polymag (15.89 Grain)29.94 FPE921 FPSWonderful 
JSB Diabolo Exact Jumbo Heavy(18.13 Grain)35.73 FPE942 FPSBest 
H&N Baracuda Hunter Extreme (19.09 Grain)33.81 FPE893 FPSExcellent 

Hatsan's best attribute is its smoothness.

This air rifle has no vibration or recoil so you'll have the best experience. 

Moreover, Hatsan has an ambidextrous stock, so it is comfortable for both left and right-handed people — though it may not be too comfortable since it doesn’t specialize in either side. 

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Last Thoughts

Air rifles are available in a variety of styles and it can be difficult to keep up. 

You can rest assured You can just read the article according to the problem.

The pests are sneaky little creatures that can quickly ruin your yard. 

If other methods fail, air rifles may be the best option.

The Most Commonly Asked Questions

Is it possible for you to use an air rifle as a pest control tool in your home?

An air rifle can be used to hunt pests in your backyard.

You must verify, however, that there are gun laws in your locality.

Many countries have strict laws regarding air rifles. 

To use an air rifle, you must be 18 years old.

Do check on your towns’ laws and regulations before you use an air rifle. 

What is the Air Rifle Power Required for Pest Control?

It all depends on what pest situation you are in.

Remember FPE, also known as muzzle energy. 

The muzzle energy is affected by the pellet size and FPS.

A 1000 FPS air rifle is necessary for pest control.

Also, you need to figure out how much energy is required to kill each pest individually. 

The table below will provide an indication of the required FPE for each pest type. 

Chipmunks can be biting animals

Chipmunks don't get along with other people and can transmit deadly diseases.

In rare instances, however, they may bite if they are provoked.

Otherwise, they’ll probably run away if they sense the slightest danger. 

Are Chipmunks susceptible to Rabies? What is the most common disease that Chipmunks are susceptible to?

Small pests such as chipmunks have a low chance of spreading rabies.

It’s almost equivalent to zero.

But, diseases such as plague, hantavirus or salmonella can also affect babies. 

How can you humanely kill a Rat?

An Air Rifle is the most humane way to kill Rats. The Rat will die in a matter of seconds.

Rat poisoning and trapping can be even more brutal.

Which is more dangerous, Possums or Raccoons:

Possums are gentle creatures that seek to avoid conflict whenever possible.

If they are provoked or cornered, they may also attack.

However, raccoons have a tendency to be aggressive and will defend the territory they live in.

They might try to bite or attack you viciously. 

Will a BB Gun Kill a Raccoon?

No. A BB gun cannot kill a rabbit because it doesn’t produce the energy necessary to do so.

It will injure a raccoon and it will die slowly.

If you become too aggressive, it could be attacked. 

Are Iguanas Poisonous?

Iguanas can sometimes produce a venom that is harmless but they do have sharp teeth.

There have been a few instances where iguanas bit human beings, but it is extremely rare.

Their bites on your face or ankles can cause serious injuries. 

Do Iguanas Change Colors? Iguanas can change their color.

Although Iguanas are able to change their color, they aren't as vibrant as chameleons.

They turn darker as they age, and more orange during mating seasons.

They will turn brown or black at low temperatures in order to absorb heat. When they get hot, they become pastel colors. 

Is it legal to shoot a skunk with a pellet guns?

We said that the law must require that all pests be killed.

If your district or town’s law states that you can shoot any pest with a pellet gun or air rifle, then you can do so. You can shoot pests such as skunks from your backyard. 

Can a.22 be used to kill a coyote. What size of air rifle is capable of killing a coyote.

A.22 rifles will not injure the coyote, nor will a.177.

If they feel hurt, they will either run away or turn toward you.

An air rifle measuring 2.25 inches can be ordered to give them more feeling.

If you are able to travel a long distance and have high muzzle energy, A.25 is the best choice. 

How many Skunk Sprays can you use? Skunk spray is toxic?

Skunks don't spray when they feel threatened.

They can spray six times at once.

Skunk spray can be toxic for both dogs and humans. The former can cause diarrhea and vomit while the latter can cause irritation. 

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