An air gun from Weihrauch is the best.
The HW90 is a good example.
The HW90 has incredible power and accuracy.

This gun is still a popular choice in modern times.
This gun is a classic, and it continues to compete with them.
Weihrauch HW90 Gun Type
The Weihrauch HW90 gun is a gas-piston-powered gun.
A gas-powered gun performs the same as spring-powered guns, however, the chamber's coiled spring is replaced with a gasstrut.
The air in the strut has been compressed already, and more pressure is applied when the gun's cocked.
The pressurized air remains under tension until the trigger can be pulled.
The propellant force generated by compressed air helps the pellet travel downrange when the gun is fired.
Even if left cocked for several hours, a gas piston rifle does not have spring fatigue or spring torque.
This post contains more information about the 5 types and uses of air rifles that you should know before purchasing.
It allows for smoother cocking and shooting, with less recoil.
It can also function perfectly in very low temperatures like springtime
A severe weather condition can affect metal springs.
The Weihrauch HW90 air rifle's caliber is the internal diameter of its bore.
- .177 (4.5 millimeters),
- .22 (5.5 millimeters)
- And.25 (6.35 milimeter).
Weihrauch HW90 break barrel gun
To cock it, pull the barrel down while holding the gun up; insert the pellet then swing the gun back to its original position.
The first few times may seem difficult but after a couple of tries, you’ll be able to work it perfectly.
Break barrel guns give you unlimited shooting capacity.
You can shoot thousands without running out.
The Weihrauch HW90 shotgun is one-shot, so you can only fire one pellet at once.
After each shot, you’ll have to manually cock it and insert another pellet.
The single-shot action allows you to choose the type and method of shooting pellets.
It also improves your shooting skills because you’ll always want your first shot to count.
Ammo for Weihrauch HW90
Weihrauch HW90 can store three types of calibers. It produces ammo for each caliber.
- .177 cals requires.177 pellets
- .22 cal can be used with.22 pellets
- .25 Call uses.25 Pellets.
.177 pellets can be lightweight, very popular, and very affordable.
These are cost-effective, and they can be used for plinking or target shooting.
.22 pellets are more heavy than.177 pellets.
They are also more powerful downrange and produce more knockdown power.
It is therefore suitable for field hunting or pest control.
For more on the differences between .177 & .22 and which jobs they do best, see this post.
The.25 pellets weigh more than the.22, but have less velocity.
If you’re hunting small game, the .25 will surely take down critters with a single shot. There isn’t much difference with the .22.
If you have larger animals like raccoons you might notice a significant difference in their range and placement.
Since.22 requires a precise shot of the head, whereas a.25 may require a chest shot.
(For more information on choosing the right air gun cartridge for your game, please see this post.
Great Stock
The Weihrauch HW90 stock is a beautiful combination of a simple beech and dazzling varnish.
It is well-rounded in shape with pressed checkering panel and a large pistol grip.
The stock has a soft rubber recoil pad that is subtle and comfortable to aim with.
Beech stock offers many benefits.
The beech’s hardness is highly resistant to abrasion.
It has a wonderful wooden texture which gives it a traditional feel.
The beech stock has a lovely finish, as well as a uniform and beautiful texture.
(For more details on the in-depth comparision between synthetic and wooden stock, please see this post.
You can use the pistol grip to get better leverage.
The cheekpiece raises allows your eye to align perfectly with the scope
To ensure maximum stability, make sure your cheek is firmly planted on the firearm's solid surface.
It is both left- and right-handed-friendly, so it can be used comfortably by both left- and right-handed people.
Weihrauch HW90 Sight Scope
The Weihrauch HW90 has both a globe-front sight and a fully adjustable back sight.
The front globe sight consists a hollow cylinder and a threaded cover that allows for interchangeable elements.
Globe sights are used by the most skilled iron sight-setters, such as those competing in Olympic and international competitions (50m, 3 position).
The front sight is an aperture, not a post.
The rear sights can be adjusted to adjust for windage and elevation.
This post will provide more information about the various types of airgun sights available and which one you should choose.
Scope Mount:
The scope mount for the Weihrauch HW90 has an 11mm dovetail.
The dovetail is a series of parallel grooves running along the receiver's top. This is where you clamp your scope base.
The dovetail is lightweight so it doesn’t add much extra weight and it ensures your scope is nice and tight to the bore.
Surprising Trigger
The Weihrauch HW90 has a two-stage adjustable trigger.
This trigger is amazing because it allows you to change the weight of both the pull and travel.
Trigger Safety: To prevent accidental discharges from causing accidents, a safety device was designed.
Once the gun is cocked back, the safety activates immediately.
You can simply cock and load the Weihrauch HW90 by following these simple steps:
Do not load without putting in the effort
- You can place the gun and butt stock on your lap while you hold it upwards.
- To stop the barrel from reaching its limit, slap it downwards and pull it towards you.
- In the open breech, place your pellet in the barrel
- You are now ready to shoot!
Amazing speed, accuracy, and power
The velocity of the Weihrauch HW90 measures:
- 1,050 FPS using 0.177 caliber pellets
- 853 FPS using 0.22 caliber pellets
- 625 FPS using 0.25 caliber pellets
We have the following results from the Chrony test:
With.177 caliber pelletsName the Pellet The Weight of Pellets in Grains Velocity (FPS) Muzzle Energy (ft.lbs) Laser 6.50 1084 17 Hobby 6.90 1091 19 R10 Lite 7.00 1048 19 Silver Bear 7.10 1092 19 Club 7.11 1097 19 Super H-point 7.40 1097 20 H&N Match HS 7.70 1087 19 Laser Sport 7.70 1040 19 CO2 7.70 1032 19 Meisterkuglen Pistol 7.70 1054 19 Napier Pro Hunter 7.72 1052 17 Trophy 7.88 998 18 CP Lite 7.90 1006 18 Accupell 7.90 1021 18 JSB Express 7.90 1000 17 Bearcub 8.09 1001 19 JSB Predator 8.10 1021 18 Silver Ace 8.12 1000 16 JSB Stratton 8.20 1001 16 H&N Match 8.20 1026 19 Super Point 8.30 988 20 Superdome 8.30 939 19 R10 Heavy 8.30 943 19
With.22 Caliber pelletsName the Pellet Grain Weight Velocity (FPS). Muzzle Energy (ft.lbs) Hobby 11.90 840 19 Silver Bear 12.80 830 20 Laser 13.36 818 19 H&N Match 13.75 793 19 Meisterkuglen 13.90 785 19 Super H Point 13.90 779 20 Trophy 14.00 782 20 Accupell 14.30 768 19 Crosman Premier 14.30 779 19 JSB Express 14.30 775 19 Bearcub 14.44 768 20 SuperPoint 14.50 796 19 Superdome 14.50 767 19 Beeman FTS 14.60 778 19 Ram Jet 14.76 737 19 Silver Ace 15.24 707 18 Napier Pro Hunter 15.40 796 21 Silver Sting 15.74 743 19 JSB Exact 15.90 743 19 JSB Predator 16.10 721 19 Silver Arrow 17.10 692 19 Crow Magnum 18.20 684 19 Kodiak 21.10 621 18
With.25 Caliber PelletsName the Pellet The Weight of Pellets in Grains Velocity (FPS). Muzzle Energy (ft.lbs) Laser 17.30 678 14 FTS 20.00 660 17 Silver Ace 23.50 586 15 H&N Match 21.00 640 16 Perfect Rounds 24.00 584 16 Ram Jet 24.00 602 16 Silver Arrow 24.20 573 15 Silver Sting 25.00 576 16 Crow Magnum 26.00 580 17 Silver Bear 26.10 577 17 Ram Point 26.90 564 16 Kodiak 30.70 526 17 Kodiak Match 30.80 523 17
Crane Hard TV performed an extensive penetration test here on the HW90:
The quiet, silent airgun
The rifle is known for its quiet operation.
The silencer provided has done a wonderful job at reducing the sound.
There was not one complaint about the noise in the countless customer reviews.
It’s certainly suitable for backyard usage and urban areas.
Stay on the right path
The Weihrauch HW90 does not require a lot of care.
These precautions can be taken to ensure your air gun is as reliable as possible.
- Keep your blues in check
- The bluing is the outer metalwork of an air gun.
- Keep your rifle dry, as it can rust even in damp conditions.
- Use an oily rag to clean the surfaces. You can also use WD40, 3-in-1 or WD40.
- Get a rifle rest:
- To make it easier to work on your gun, you can buy or make a combination toolbox/rifle stand.
- You can use your additional support to make it easier to work.
- Preserve your gun:
- Securely keep your guns out of reach.
- Gun cabinets are ideal for keeping guns dry and safe. Make sure to dry your guns before you store them.
- Your stock is your love:
- Your gunstock is the most important part of your airgun.
- Oil-finished stocks must be oiled regularly to maintain their appearance.
- Wood must be dried and stock oil should only be applied by hand. The heat of your hands warms the oil, allowing it to penetrate the grain.
- You can protect lacquered stock using furniture wax and beeswax.
- Remember to oil your gun after every 250 shots, and to clean the barrel with an extra cleaning rod after every 500 shots.
Shooting for a purpose
The Weihrauch HW90 has a shooting range of up to 50 yards.
Many customers have reviewed the product and praised its power within this range.
This gun is ideal for small game hunting and pest elimination. It can also be used to practice target shooting.
(This article contains additional information on the best air rifles to use for squirrels.
Warranty Period
The Weihrauch HW90 comes with a limited warranty of one year as of today.
- Caliber: 0.177 (4.5mm), 0.22 (5.5mm), 0.25 (6.35mm).
- Loudness: 3-medium
- Barrel Length: 19.69 inches
- Overall length: 45.28 inches
- Capacity of Shot: One
- Cocking Effort: 46 pounds
- Barrel: rifled
- Front Sight: Aperture Inserts on the Globe
- Rear Sight: Adjustable for windage or elevation
- Scopable: 11mm dovetail
- Trigger: Two-stage adjustable
- Butt plate: rubber
- Suggestions for: Small game hunting/plinking
- Break the barrel!
- Safety: automatic
- Power plant: Gas piston
- Function: single-shot
- Type of body: rifle
- Weight: 8.82 pounds
Customer evaluation
If you look at customer reviews for the Weihrauch HW90 on YouTube or PyramydAir, you’ll see some interesting and positive reviews.
They don’t just give the gun five stars; no they go completely insane about it.
Many customers have acknowledged that it’s an absolute joy to own and that it is worth every single penny.
Many customers rave about the rifle's splitting power, consistent shots and great accuracy.
Even with different pellets, this air rifle can maintain consistent velocity and power ratings.
Many other customers also testified that the rifle is durable.
Since most of them bought theirs in the ’70s and they still function to date.

However, some reviews are negative about the weight and difficulty of firing this rifle.
These are minor issues you can get used to.
Both the pros and cons
Price A quality break barrel air rifle
This rifle is currently on sale for $650
Yes, you read that right – this break barrel gun is in the price range of the PCP air rifle.
This price is reasonable for the impressive features and power it offers.
You can trust the rifle to be with you on the field for many years.
The HW90 is a great air rifle from Weihrauch, who has been setting the standard for air rifles for more than 50 years.
Its incredible power and accuracy make it one the most popular air rifles available today.